Well, Sioux Falls, South Dakota, not much here. I see no reason to come back to this town anytime in the future and I had to make a post about the worst Mexican Food I encountered on this trip at:
Mama’s Lada’s Enchilada Shop
116 West 11th Street
Sioux Falls, SD 57104-6304
(605) 332-2772
I stared off with some guacamole, about half way in to a terrible version of it, I encountered had the avocado, hard as a rock and just sitting there whole:
I thought for sure a place that had enchiladas in the name would have a good one, well, no. And the “salsa” I’ve never had salsa with cocktail olives in it, see the green one there on the left of the salsa.
Well for desert, at least there was chocolate.